Dance Interrupted #6
“Dance Interrupted” is an ode to the poignant disruption felt when once-loved dance becomes a spectre of its former existence, ever-present yet agonisingly out of reach. Synchronising the corporeal and emotional turbulence endured by those living with chronic illness into a visual harmony that is at once mesmerising and shattering. Digital distortions fragment the dancers: the dissonant melodies and fractured beauty of interrupted dance echoing a silent scream.
Somewhere over the rainbow. A paradox where vibrant movement and mournful lamentation coexist in a life interrupted. An internal inferno of longing, passion, and smouldering pain among the embers of a past life—lost, yet ever cherished.
Between the vivid and the interrupted, a whispered refrain echoes: I miss dancing.
–The video loops, ending where it starts–
I miss dancing, having danced ballet and tap as a child and teenager. Loving social dancing. One of my favourite things to film was choreography, working closely with dancers, camera and choreographer.
Now, unable to be onset due to chronic illness, I spent months learning Deforum, experimenting and ‘breaking’ the settings to get an ‘interrupted’ effect in-cAImera (each video is a single output, no post visual fx). The videos in this series, including the visual ‘interruptions’, are created using a single text prompt, utilising settings within the program to run the dance and camera movements and visual dynamics.
Spending time layering AI music with reversed tracks and sound fx to tell an emotive story along with the images.
Created with Deform, Automatic 1111, Stable Diffusion, Da Vinci Resolve, Topaz Video AI
Al generated music by KEZIAI
Sound FX CCO
Sound Design by KEZIAI
Prompted 2023
Music & Sound 2024
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Listen to an Audio Reflection from KEZIAI discussing this work.

Contract Address
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Day #218 - 2024-APR-22
Series: 1920x1080
NFT Edition
Unique (1/1)