November Moon
‘November Moon’ created and released during the full moon of November 2023, is an AI film featuring a collage of aunties, sushis, and pets, interwoven with graphics and absurd moon scenes. This film captures the confusion and surreal headspace often experienced during the full moon. It's as if the moon's energy has distorted both reality and the fabric of time and space. Set in tiled interior spaces inspired by architectural drawings and doll house sections, the film showcases anti-gravity aunties who dance and float amidst contrasting graphics of spirals, waves, and the moon itself.
Created in Dalle3 and animated in Runwayml and PIKAlab.
AI generated music by Niceaunties, Sound design by Niceaunties

Listen to an Audio Reflection from Niceaunties discussing this work.

Contract Address
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Token Standard
Day #106 - 2024-JAN-01
NFT Edition
Unique (1/1)