A series inspired by Plato and the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, Auntlantis unfolds in a parallel world overrun with plastic waste. The pilot episode, 'Sweeping The Floor', opens with a scene of a bird auntie lying on the beach, her insides a jumble of colourful plastics—a nod to an impactful photograph depicting a sea bird with its stomach filled with plastics. The narrative then shifts to auntie mermaids, whose tails are crafted from plastic bottles, as they undertake the monumental task of cleaning the ocean floor. The video concludes on an unsettling note, with an auntie wandering along a litter-strewn beach. In the foreground, trash dominates, and an island made entirely of refuse looms in the distance, creating a dystopian vista where fish float through the sky above, having abandoned the polluted waters below.
This AI film is created, animated, and edited by Niceaunties in the programmes Dalle3,, Runwayml and
The Artist