Trevor Paglen.
"I began training models on allegorical art, symbolism, and metaphor, using image-vocabularies drawn from literature, philosophy, poetry, folklore, and spiritual traditions. Could I build models that embraced the slipperiness and squishiness of visual perception?"
Trevor PaglenExhibition Information
Date: Nov 07, 1:00 PM ET
Artworks: 1000
Discuss: Discord
Download: Fact Sheet PDF
The Evolved Hallucinations series of artwork is available by inquiry only.
There are 1,000 Digital Editions (NFTs) broken down into the following categories:
Hallucinations: 950 images
Each image is unique and minted at 2k pixels. Collectors can purchase individual artworks or grids of 9 and 36 (all individually minted). Artwork selection is first come first serve with priority given to those purchasing grids:
- - Grid of 36 individually minted NFTs* $25,000
- - Grid of 9 individually minted NFTs** $6,500
- - Individual NFTs $750
* 10 available, first priority selection
** 30 available, second priority selection
Neurons: 50 animations
Each animation is unique, 63 seconds long and minted at 800 pixels. Artwork selection is first come first serve:
- - Individual animations $3,000
For all enquiries email