
Nathan Boey.
Submerged sanctuary. Unmoored (2023)
"Unmoored” reflects on the intoxicating allure of those moments when inspiration struck—a sensation akin to a drug that has captivated me since my youth.
Nathan Boey"Unmoored" challenges viewers by presenting unexpected pairings of familiar objects, locations, and tones. The work draws inspiration from mundane characters, objects, and settings from personal memories. It displaces these elements, inviting viewers to delve beyond surface images to find new associations and deeper understandings.
Each studio session began with compiling lists of people, settings, and other elements drawn from reminiscences within the artist's memories. Armed with approximately ten ideas from each category, the artist pieced them together, considering visual qualities and emotional resonance. Through Midjourney, the artist prompted approximately 40 to 100 iterations to unearth something resonant. Ultimately, "Unmoored" reflects on the intoxicating allure of moments when inspiration struck—a feeling akin to a captivating drug since youth. This sensation, stimulating entirely new neural pathways, fuels the artist's creative pursuits, aiming to evoke electrifying experiences and perceptions through their work.
The Artist